Visitors to the Fire Escape sometimes ask about good books for internationally adopted kids. Here are some places on the web to find excellent lists and reviews:
And for a top-notch resource for adoptive parents, I highly recommend Adoption Parenting, edited by Jean Macleod and Sheena Macrae (EMK Press, 2006). In this "toolbox," over a hundred contributors, including adoptees, share practical advice about parenting an adopted child. Definitely a gift worth giving at a baby shower for waiting parents. Tune in tomorrow for reviews of a beautiful picture book about what that wait is like and a hilarious forthcoming novel about international adoption ...
- Reader's Guide To Adoption Related Literature is Bill Gage's comprehensive, up-to-date bibliography of books that deal with adoption, including adult and juvenile fiction.
- Adoptive Families, the award-winning national magazine, has an on-line bookstore and five years of reviews featuring good books.
- ComeUnity, Cynthia Leitich Smith, the Reading Tub, and Adoption Books also provide great lists and reviews of books for kids about adoption.