Poetry Friday: Barley Bending

I love poetry. I love Fridays. So it's no surprise that I love poetry Fridays (Check out Chicken Spaghetti's roundup of all of today's poems.) I tucked today's offering in the draft of the second book in my series for Dutton (tentatively titled First Daughter: White House Rules.) Not sure that Ms. Teasdale's poem will stay, but since Sparrow feels a bit of desolation in one part of the book, I wanted to offer the kind of consolation that only a poem can provide.

Barley Bending
by Sara Teasdale

Like barley bending
In low fields by the sea,
Singing in hard wind

Like barley bending
And rising again,
So would I, unbroken,
Rise from pain;

So would I softly,
Day long, night long,
Change my sorrow
Into song.